This article is filled with inspirational interior design ideas for making your house more homely, cosy, and welcoming in time for the cold winter setting in.
A Winter Scene
We have all experienced the worst of winter, generally at the most inopportune time. You already know how this story goes. You leave work, the snow has started to fall and you need to de-ice your car windscreen and rear window. When the engine finally starts, the digital temperature display on your dashboard states that the temperature is something below freezing, and your heart sinks a little further.
Then you get home, and you face what can only be described as unorganised chaos. Precisely at the time you want something to act as a massive comfort blanket, you get another slap in the face reminding you how drab and monosyllable your life has become.
How can you brighten up your home and make it somewhere for an ideal winter retreat at the end of 2012?
The Small Details
No matter who we are, it is often the small things to use that matter in life. Small things are great because there are so many of them, and we often have our own little quirks and nuances that make us unique, things that give us a degree of comfort in various ways.
In trying to make your house into a home this winter, we recommend you spend a lot of time focussing on the small details. No need for extravagance and buying a new sofa, rug, or having the whole house decorated.Instead, think of what will make you smile when you come through the door, cold in the evening darkness.
This might be an origami lampshade, or a paper vase surrounding a more traditional, porcelain design filled with your favourite type of fresh, colourful flowers.