Home My Heaven is a UK Home Improvement blog (established in 2012). A Proud home of more than 430 useful contents and regularly updated with latest news, tips and advice on Home Improvement, renewable energy, Interior design best practice and trends Do you have something you think might find a home on HMH? Send it without any hesitation. You can look at Email Charter before sending me an email. To write or advertise here email on- honestyfirst0@yahoo.com or EditorHMH@gmail.com with a Subject “HMH. For Advertisement “Ad for HMH”. Advertisement/Sponsored Post: 1. For Business ad: We only publish high quality commercial/business information with taking a charge/fee of publishing. Don’t send low quality irrelevant or copy contents. 2. If you are a new writer, before writing for HMH, I will suggest you to look at a course of Interior Design.