When moving into a new property, most people will set about making the new place their own by redecorating and replacing fixtures and fittings to suit their own tastes and lifestyle. However great redecorating is, surveys have shown that, despite the fact that they are unaware if anyone else has a set of keys to their new home, over 70% of movers do not bother to change the locks on their new property. Frightening, right?
If you have recently moved into a new home, you will probably already have spent huge sums of money and may be wary of shelling out more, but changing door locks is a task that anyone can complete just as well, and at a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional.
Changing the locks in your doors is relatively easy and simple, here’s how to do it:
Buy the same brand: Making sure your new lock is from the same brand as the existing lock that’s there will lessen the chances of you having to make fitting adjustments.
Take accurate measurements: You will need to measure the door locks from the latch to the centre of the doorknob. Most types of locks are now adjustable and fit different sized spaces, but accurate measurements will eliminate any guesswork.
Remove the old lock: Once you have bought your replacement lock it’s time to take the old one out. Start by removing the screws on the old lock and the two screws that keep the latch in place then pulling both halves of the doorknob away from the door.
Install your new door lock: With the old lock out of the way, you can repeat step 3 in reverse by putting the lock in place and re-inserting the screws (door latch screws first). All that is left to do is to put the two halves of the lock together inside the door and securing the lock with screws.
Check your new lock: Check that your new lock works by locking and unlocking the door until you are satisfied that it’s working as it should.
Why it’s Important to Change your Door Locks
As mentioned above, when a new homeowner moves into a property without changing the locks they may be willingly giving other people access to their home. If you are in this situation, not only does this raise security implications over your property itself, but it also puts you and your loved ones in a venerable position. Furthermore, in the unfortunate event of theft from your property, your insurance claims can be adversely affected if you hadn’t changed your door locks, so this basic and inexpensive precaution is also an important one when it comes to insurance cover.
Unless you are the first occupant of a property, you can never be fully sure how many people have copies of the keys to your home. As demonstrated above, changing the door locks in your home is not a strenuous or expensive endeavour so it makes perfect sense to swap the old for the new. By doing so, you’ll increase the safety of your property as well as ensuring the protection of you and your family.