If you are considering investing in some antique furniture, there is much to consider, as these kinds of purchases are never cheap, and unless you know what you are looking at, you could end up paying a lot more than you should. It is therefore advisable to have a basic understanding of what antique furniture entails, and with that in mind, here are some important factors to consider when looking to buy antique furniture.
This way you can be sure the item is in fact, genuine, and with so many copies around, it is easy to be duped by a dubious dealer. There is, for example, top quality antique furniture in Brisbane available at Wallrocks, an established dealer who has some excellent items on offer, all at reasonable prices. Approaching an established dealer gives you many options, along with quality guarantees and honest appraisals, and the list of furniture items would be extensive, with something to suit every budget.
One must check for any signs of damage when buying any antique item, and depending on what type of furniture it is, there are places to look. A heavy chest of drawers or wardrobe would be vulnerable at the feet, so check thoroughly for any sign of damage, as this is the most likely place. Chairs might be damaged at the back of the rest, or again, on the legs, and any drawers should be physically removed for a comprehensive inspection that includes looking at the timber runners.
There are many online antique dealers, but not all of them are members of relevant associations, and if the dealer is respected in the local fine arts community, this is a good sign. All antique dealers rely heavily on word of mouth recommendations, but having said that, they must also have the right connections with reputable organisations. For more information on the importance of credentials in business, check various references for some further reading.
That period cabinet might look wonderful in your dining room, but will it be functional enough to meet your needs? Some pieces are beautiful, yet not very practical if you wish to really utilise the furniture, and this needs to be taken into account. Purchase a piece that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Of course, many buyers are looking at the investment properties, and with a careful selection, one can make a tidy profit over the years. Paying a lot of money for a table, for example, doesn’t seem so bad when you consider the value will appreciate significantly, and with some restoration, one can really make a handsome profit, if you know what to look for.
There are online dealers of fine antique furniture, and with the assurance that all the items are genuine and fairly priced, you can enhance your home, while also making a shrewd investment. If, however, you have little or no experience with antique furniture, it is advisable to do some online researching before looking at items. This will ensure that you will not make a wrong decision, and the more experience you gain, the more you will be able to spot a bargain.