With industrialization taking its toll on the planet, every little bit helps to try and set back the clock. Sometimes in order to do this, you have to create your own little world and make it happen there. What better way to create this little world than at sweet home.


The eco-friendly minded individual can do a lot just by the little things.

There are hundreds of organizations out there working in strides to help spread awareness and educate like minded people, and even the oblivious, on how we as humans can make the planet a better, safer and more naturally inclined place.

Many leaders, people and corporations don’t really think too much about designing and innovating practices that protect humanity, nature and wildlife. But when you hear the last KauaiO’o bird sing his last song due to extinction – how could one not think of ways to innovate?

These three organizations should inspire you to innovate from your very own home.

1. The Tree Council

Trees are the oldest land living organism on the planet and many live for extremely long periods of time; up to 5000 years. Trees remove tons and tons of air pollution from civilized areas around the globe.

The Tree Council of the United Kingdom is an organization dedicated to promote the importance of trees. They share knowledge to neighborhoods, governments, and schools whilst being active in educating on tree history, purpose and everything you need to know about trees. The Tree Council also leads National Tree Week.

By becoming a friend of the Tree Council, you can be up to date on news in forestry, help increase appreciation of trees and have access to all the information you need to plant a tree at your very own home and sustain its life.

2. International Dark Sky Association

With large cities comes lots of artificial light, with artificial light comes light pollution and what follows is not a very good look at the starry night that would otherwise be shimmering above.

The International Dark Sky Association (IDA) provides a galaxy of information in regards to managing your outdoor lighting and offers tips to prevent light trespassing so that communities and homes can have a better window to the universe.  Just a few light alternations around your home can make a gigantic difference.

The site also offers articles on amazing dark sky destinations from around the world. If you become a member, you can help spread the word — and maybe one day, your neighborhood can be considered a Dark Sky Friendly Development.

3. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

RSPB is a nature conservation organization that toils towards safeguarding threatened birds and wildlife. One of their objectives is to provide information to home owners and neighborhoods about ways to create homes for wildlife.

For an excellent membership rate, you can enjoy all the information they have to offer on ways on helping protect birds, create a cozy home for them as well as other little critters who could use a good home too, like a toad! There’s a way to live in harmony with other creatures and this organization will help you create this united environment.


There’s more to your home than just what sits on top of the structure. Your home radiates through the community. Creating a home that has an appeal towards nature will certainly be a home to happiness.